It is often seen that applicants apply for visas based on their family ties. DNA Test plays a significant role in case immigration authorities have any doubt in the relationship. Immigration DNA test is applicable only for applicants applying for the residency permits based on their family relations abroad. In such cases, it becomes mandatory […]
Category: Immigration DNA Tests

Importance of DNA Testing For Immigration Cases
Genetic Technologies are being implemented in areas beyond the realm of medicine to address social and legal issues. One of them is immigration and the use of genetic testing offers the potential benefits of reducing immigration fraud and making the process more efficient and accessible for immigrants, especially those are without documents. Since the 1990s, […]

How Sibling-Ship DNA Test help in Immigration?
DNA Testing of Sibling-ship is designed to determine genetically whether the siblings (brother and sister) are biologically related to each other or not and verify if they are full siblings, half-siblings or not siblings at all. DDC Laboratories India analyses two types of Sibling-ship DNA Tests for DNA samples: Half-Sibling-ship DNA Tests: In this case, […]